Examining moderators of discrimination and subjective well being among LGB individuals /

Douglass, Richard P.

Examining moderators of discrimination and subjective well being among LGB individuals / Richard P. Douglass, Sarah E. Conlin, Ryan D. Duffy, Blake A. Allan - January 2017 - Journal of Counseling Psychology 64 : 1, page 1-11 .

Research has found perceived discrimination to be a risk factor for mental health concerns among lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LBG) people, but less clarity exists linking perceived discrimination with well-being outcomes. Building from Meyer's (2003) minority stress model, the present study examined the links between perceived discrimination and the 3 components of subjective well-being: positive affect, negative affect, and life satisfaction. Self-esteem and stigma consciousness were explored as empirically and theoretically implied moderators. In a sample of 368 LGB people, structural equation modeling results suggested that discrimination was not significantly associated with positive affect or life satisfaction but had a significant positive relation with negative affect. Self-esteem moderated the associations between discrimination and positive and negative affect, and stigma consciousness moderated the link with negative affect. Practical implications and directions for future research are discussed.


Sexual minorities--Mental health.
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