Caught somewhere in between : a journey cancer patient to nursing student /
Toth, Jennifer.
Caught somewhere in between : a journey cancer patient to nursing student / Jennifer Toth - February 2015. - Nursing 2015 45 : 2, page 19 .
Here, Toth discusses her journey from cancer patient to nursing student. Her clinical experiences since starting nursing school have made her confront her cancer history in new ways. As she watched parents send their kids into the OR or question nurses about when their child's medication was due, she realized that the hell that her parents went through during my treatment was even more excruciating than she'd imagined. Among other things, she says she'll just embrace the "caught in between" feeling that has become so familiar: Somewhere between a college student and a healthcare professional. And somewhere between a patient and a nurse.
Liver cancer.
Personal narratives.
Cancer in children.
Nurse patient relationships.
Personal health.
Caught somewhere in between : a journey cancer patient to nursing student / Jennifer Toth - February 2015. - Nursing 2015 45 : 2, page 19 .
Here, Toth discusses her journey from cancer patient to nursing student. Her clinical experiences since starting nursing school have made her confront her cancer history in new ways. As she watched parents send their kids into the OR or question nurses about when their child's medication was due, she realized that the hell that her parents went through during my treatment was even more excruciating than she'd imagined. Among other things, she says she'll just embrace the "caught in between" feeling that has become so familiar: Somewhere between a college student and a healthcare professional. And somewhere between a patient and a nurse.
Liver cancer.
Personal narratives.
Cancer in children.
Nurse patient relationships.
Personal health.