English Fairy Tales

English Fairy Tales [electronic resource] - Project Gutenberg, 2005 - Project Gutenberg 7439 .

Tom tit tot -- The three sillies -- The rose-tree -- The old woman and her pig -- How jack went to seek his fortune -- Mr. Vinegar -- Nix nought nothing -- Jack Hannaford -- Binnorie -- Mouse and mouser -- Cap o' rushes -- Teeny-tiny -- Jack and the beanstalk -- The story of the three little pigs -- The master and his pupil -- Titty mouse and tatty mouse -- Jack and his golden snuff-box -- The story of the three bears -- Jack the giant-killer -- Henny-penny -- Childe Rowland -- Molly Whuppie -- The red ettin -- The golden arm -- The history of Tom Thumb -- Mr. Fox -- Lazy Jack -- Johnny-cake -- Earl Mar's daughter -- Mr. Miacca -- Whittington and his cat -- The strange visitor -- The laidly worm of Spindleston Heugh -- The cat and the mouse -- The fish and the ring -- The magpie's nest -- Kate Crackernuts -- The cauld lad of Hilton -- The ass, the table, and the stick -- Fairy ointment -- The well of the world's end -- Master of all masters -- The three heads of the well.

Public domain in the USA.

Electronic text

Fairy tales -- England Folklore -- England

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